Monday, October 23, 2006

2006 Card Collection

The 2006 Card Collection is here!

These 5x7" photocards are a perfect keepsake to send to all you family and friends (starting at $78 for 24). Cards come with white envelopes; for coloured envelopes add $.50 per card. Please include all pertinent details and payment information when placing your order.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


This is Wowzers and what a little ham he was. While photographing Baby E, I couldn't resist the urge to take Wowzer's picture - which he happily obliged. The little red baby chair proved to be a great backdrop for him. Sometimes, you just have to stop and enjoy a moment.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Baby Shower Gifts: Tell Oprah

Have you received a gift certificate from Tara Sinclair Hingco Art & Design as a baby shower gift?

Do you love your pictures and think the gift cerficate makes a unique gift?

Here's your chance to spread the news. Click here to tell Oprah all about us and your photography experience.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Photography Tips from a Pro

In June, I published an article about how to take better pictures of your family. As the fall blooms and many of us are ready to capture highlights from the upcoming holidays and fall outings, I thought I would share the article.

10 Steps to Perfect Family Pictures

You don’t have to be a professional photographer or invest in the latest high-end digital camera to capture great pictures of your children. Here are some pro tips to help you take great family pictures.

1. Au Natural - Photography literally means “drawing with light” and everything looks better in natural light. Indoor turn off your flash where possible and look for natural sunlight, like window light. Natural light provides a more flattering diffused tone and quality to the photograph whereas on-camera flashes can create harsh shadows on you subject or even worse red eye. Try opening the blinds and letting sunlight in.
2. Go Outdoors - Surprisingly, a cloudy, overcast day provides the best outdoor portrait lighting. Bright sun makes people squint and creates harsh shadows on their faces whereas on an overcast day, the soft light flatters faces. If you are in open sun and cannot find shade you can always place your subject in front of the sun and use your on-camera flash as a fill.

3. Simplify Things - Great pictures are often ruined by a distracting or cluttered background. Look for things like poles or tree branches behind people that might seem like they are coming out from their head. A plain background shows off your subject whereas a bright or busy pattern will take the focus away from your subject. Place your subject against a plain, non-distracting background. Alternatively, sometimes just shifting yourself in one way or the other can eliminate distractions from view.

4. Close Encounters - Moving in close to your subject keeps the interesting part in the foreground of the shot and eliminates the wasted space around your subject. Fill the viewfinder
with your subject to create pictures with greater impact.

5. Creative Cropping - A picture can have a very different look with just a different crop. Get creative by using different angles. Get down on the ground or up on a chair and look at your subject from a different perspective. Remember to experiment with landscape and vertical shots for variety.

6. Rule of Thirds - When framing your shot, stop and think about how it will look printed. Generally, photographers follow the “rule of thirds” where you keep your subject in one or the other of the outer thirds. Avoid centering your subjects directly in the middle and instead opt for off-center positioning to make a more interesting and dynamic picture. Be careful not to leave too much space on one end, above or below as the space should still balance the subject.

7. It’s in the Eyes – Getting down to a child’s level will give you a more natural look with the best possible eye contact because it create a personal and inviting feeling that pulls the viewer into the picture. Get down on the floor with a baby or sit eye level with a child on a chair. A favorite trick with pro photographers is to prop a baby up onto someone's shoulder so that they are eye level with the camera.

8. Think Outside the Box - Just because most people take pictures of happy smiling posed people doesn’t mean you have to. Some of the top photographers have become successful just for doing something completely different than traditional portraiture. Whether it’s photographing children on the beach, in an alley or putting babies inside huge flowers, experiment. Look for unique angles, a creative pose or an extreme close up, like hands or feet. Capture a moment, a detail of an event.

9. Tell a Story - Photography freezes time, allowing us to reminisce about what we looked like, acted like and did at a specific moment in time. Recall a special tradition you have with your family or friends that you want to always remember and take a series of pictures throughout the day. Focus on the little details, the emotions, the candid moments and don’t get caught up in trying to create a forced smiled moment. The key is to not just get the beginning and end, but every little moment along the way. Let your subjects relaxed and be natural, allowing for pictures with their true personality shining through.

10. Practice Makes Perfect
- The best way to get better at taking pictures is practice! Through trial and error you will learn the most useful lessons. Experiment with lighting, posing, zooms, crops, and everything else you can think of and examine your results.
I love hearing from clients and friends. If you have some of your own great photo tips, drop me a line. Tips and examples will be published in a follow up blog.